SO I am officially the world's worst blogger! We are so busy around here lately that I myself can barely keep up. We shipped the calves off last week! Hoo ray! another year gone by with a good "crop". My kids are growing like weeds so I have been sifting through there closets selling stuff on eBay to make a few extra bucks. I just finished making their costumes as well. Pictures to come of those (spoiler: E3 might be mistaken for a Disney terrorist, hahahaha)And Hunting season has now kicked off.
This is some good ole' family time here on the Brown Ranch. Since the ranch is so large we get to take the kids with us when we go hunting. We are spoiled in the way that our kids are able to drive around with us while we are hunting our game. Gwen and E3 are getting very good at spotting. However sometimes their imaginations like to kick in as well and they spot so much more than just deer and antelope. Earl swears he saw a bull dozer and a combine on the side of the mountain the other day and Gwen somehow always managed to spot a Dinosaur here and there.
the picture is of one of Earl's antelope from the other day. We still have three more "prong horn" tags to fill an one Elk. Yes, the elk tag is mine! I am so excited!