Soooo....last week we got dumped on again! This will be our third blizzard in one month. The first one we got 2 and a half feet (beginning of April) second one 8 inches while I was in MN visiting family, and the third (hopefully FINAL)one we got three feet the day after I got back from MN. I have never seen so much snow in my life! this is craziness. Now I know why Earl always makes me stock up on all the essentials. I always thought he was joking when he told me there is always a chance we could be stuck out on the ranch for a week at a time. This time he was right. During the three day storm we lost power I believe three times. Gwen told me "well mom since the lights don't work I think I will just go watch a movie" (silly little girl). Thank goodness for the wood stove and the propane cook stove.

But now the snow is melting and the creek bottom field behind the house is flooded. I would not be surprised if a flock of geese landed back there mistaken it for a lake! hahaha I will post more pictures of the flood later.